What students, parents and guardians need to know
At Discovery, we want every student to feel safe and welcome so that they can learn and thrive. Along with our culture and behavioral expectations, the following guidelines help make this possible.
Plagiarism and cheating are not permitted in any form. Plagiarism occurs when someone takes the ideas or writings of others and presents them as if they were his or her own. This definition includes all print and electronic sources as well as computer programs and artwork.
Plagiarism and cheating include but are not limited to:
- Copying another’s work, whether from a book, article or website, without giving credit
- Copying another student’s assignment
- Submitting another student’s work as one’s own
- Paraphrasing (rewording) of another’s work without giving credit to the author
- Cutting and pasting sections of several pieces of others’ work without giving credit
- Recycling previously submitted work
Plagiarized assignments will earn a grade of zero. Students are allowed one chance in their middle school career to rewrite a plagiarized assignment. Any further instances of plagiarism may result in appropriate sanctions.
Personal electronic devices, not including school-issued laptops, need to be powered down and stored away from 9:20 a.m. to 3:50 p.m. Students may use their devices only during the following times:
- Use of personal electronic devices is allowed, unless there is explicit content and/or inappropriate use
- It’s OK to listen to music while you are seated at your table. Take earbuds out when speaking or listening to others.
- Taking pictures and filming other students is not permitted.
Staff members may give students permission to use their personal electronic devices in class, but they are to be used under teacher direction only.
- Device use depends on the teacher’s expectations. Personal electronic devices are to be used with teacher permission only. This includes listening to music.
- If a personal electronic device is being used without permission, progressive discipline will be imposed as follows:
1. A verbal warning from the teacher
2. Parent contact
3. Personal electronic device locked in the office and picked up by the student at the end of the day. The second time a device is taken, it needs to be picked up by a parent at the end of the day.
4. Other office discipline as appropriate
Before and after school
- Use of personal electronic devices is allowed, unless there is explicit content and/or inappropriate use
When traveling in the hallways
- No personal electronic use is permitted. Earbuds should be put away and not visible.
District-issued laptops are a valuable learning tool. However, students are expected to use them appropriately and follow directions.
During class
- Students’ laptop use depends on the teacher’s expectations. The laptop is to be used with teacher permission only.
- If a device is being used without permission, the teacher may use progressive discipline starting with:
1. Teacher gives verbal warning and will maintain disciplinary records.
2. Student keeps laptop in backpack for the period.
3. Parent is contacted about appropriate use.
4. Infraction form/office assigns progressive discipline each trimester.
Before and after school
- Use of laptops is allowed.
- To avoid theft and/or damage, students should know where their laptops are at all times; laptops should never be left unattended.
When traveling in the hallways
- Students should close and put away their laptops.
During lunch
- To avoid damage from food and beverages, laptops are to be safely stored off the tables for the first 15 minutes of lunch.
- Students may use their laptops after the release to recess as long as there is no food nor drink at the table.
- Students should know where their laptops are at all times; laptops should never be left unattended.
Students need to report lost or stolen laptops immediately.
Before and after school
- Walk to and from school with a friend.
- Always stick to the safe, usual route.
- Use the crosswalks and sidewalks when they are available. Follow all safety and traffic rules.
- Use the appropriate crosswalk in the bus zone.
- Wear a helmet and walk bikes on campus.
On the bus
- Change-of-bus requests can be approved in the main office in the morning.
- Bus notes are required to ride with friends.
- Changes in bus routes/stops must be approved.
At the school
- Valuables, large sums of money, etc. should be left at home; the school is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
- Students are prohibited from buying/selling unauthorized items at school.
- Health Department guidelines prohibit students from sharing food/beverages with others.
- Students are prohibited from giving or receiving any medications, vitamins, pills or drugs of any type.
- Never share personal passwords or locker combinations.
- Lock and secure items during PE; don’t leave personal items unattended.
Always report any unusual situations to the school and/or parents/guardians, or call 911 immediately.
For the safety and well-being of students, the following items are not allowed at school:
- Weapons, guns, toy guns, knives of any kind, baseball bats, throwing stars or any lookalike items
- Lighters, matches, fireworks, live ammunition and shell casings
- Drugs, alcohol, tobacco, vapes and drug/alcohol paraphernalia
- Safety pins and other potentially dangerous items
- Glass items and glass containers
- Blankets, pillows and stuffed animals
- Balloons and water balloons
- Valuables, large amounts of money and expensive jewelry
- Scooters, skates, skateboards and Heelys
- Laser pens and pointers
- Permanent markers and paint pens
- Perfume and cologne body sprays, lotions and deodorants
Cellphones should be silenced or turned off. See “Personal electronic devices.”
Should an emergency or disaster ever arise in our area while school is in session, the building staff at Discovery has made preparations to respond effectively. Students will be cared for until we are able to release them safely to authorized emergency release contacts (who have picture IDs).
Please make sure your phone numbers and emergency contacts are up to date! To change or verify that your information is correct, please contact the school office at 360-313-3300. Your cooperation is necessary in any emergency.
Preserving a beneficial learning environment and assuring the safety and well-being of all students are primary concerns of the Board of Directors of Vancouver Public Schools.
Students’ choices in matters of dress should be made in consultation with their parents.
Student dress will only be regulated when, in the judgment of school administrators, there is a reasonable expectation that:
A. A health or safety hazard will be presented by the student’s dress or appearance including possible membership in a gang or hate groups;
B. Damage to school property will result from the student’s dress; or
C. A material and substantial disruption of the educational process will result from the students’ dress or appearance.
For the purpose of this policy, a material and substantial disruption of the educational process may be found to exist when a student’s conduct is inconsistent with any part of the educational mission of the school district. Prohibited apparel includes the display of lewd, sexual, drug, tobacco or alcohol-related messages, or gang-related attire.
The uniforms of nationally recognized youth organizations, and clothing worn in observance of a student’s religion, are not subject to this policy.