Principal: April Whipple

Associate Principals: Jennifer Holm • Emma Wilkens


Main Office: 360-313-3300 /Fax: 360-313-3301

Attendance: 360-313-3320

Business: 360-313-3304

Office Hours: 8:50am- 4:20pm

Cafeteria Opens for Breakfast at 9:05

Learning resources

Please log in to ClassLink to access all apps, including Canvas.

Need help with devices or apps? Visit the learning support website. Or call the student support help line at 360-313-5400.

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Discovery's Concert Band performed in the LCRMEA Festival in Camas yesterday. Well done, Wildcats! ... See MoreSee Less

Discoverys Concert Band performed in the LCRMEA Festival in Camas yesterday. Well done, Wildcats!

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