Registration is NOW open for Discovery 2018-2019 Early Winter Sports!

We are proud to offer the following sports:

Wrestling for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade boys and girls

Girls Basketball for 7th and 8th grade girls

Practice begins on Tuesday, October 23rd and will be Monday – Friday for all sports. Sport specific information is available online on the Discovery Website. 

If your student has difficulty accessing health care or does not have health insurance, we will offering free physicals on the following dates:

October 18th @ Fort Vancouver High School 

1:00-2:45 pm

You must reserve a spot with the Business Office!


The last day for registration is October 25th. Please see below for how to register your student. We look forward them joining our teams!

Discovery Athletics Registration

We are excited to have your student be a part of our Athletic program! The following is information and steps that you will need to take in order to register them for their sport!

  • Register your student at Please complete the registration in full. A partial registration will not be saved. Throughout the school year, you will need to re-register your student if they intend on participating in multiple sports. You will need the following information in order to complete the registration online:
      1. Address and phones numbers for emergency contacts
      2. Student’s primary Doctor’s name and phone number. You may put ‘n/a’ if your student is seen at a clinic and does not have a primary Doctor.
      3. Student’s medical and dental insurance information and policy/group numbers. If you do not have medical and dental insurance, you will need to purchase medical and/or dental through the student accident insurance plan at Myers-Stevens and Toohey
  • Have a PHYSICAL EXAM completed on your student. The physical exam must be current (within the last 24 months), not expire before the end of the season, be signed by a physician and either uploaded to the registration system or a copy given to the Discovery Business Office. If your student requires medication at school or has a potentially life threatening condition, an ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION FORM must be completed by a doctor and returned to the school. If you are waiting for an appointment for the physical, please still register your student in advance and let the Business Office know the appointment date. This will hold a spot on the team for them. Blank forms are available at or at the Discovery Business Office.
  • Pay for your student’s $10 ASB Card and $20 Sports Fee. You may pay online at or in person at the Discovery Business Office. The ASB card is good for the entire school year and only needs to be purchased one time. The $20 sports fee is per sport. If your student is approved for free or reduced lunch benefits, the $20 sports fee is reduced to $10. A signed CONSENT TO SHARE INFORMATION FORM is required to receive the reduction. The reduced fee can not be paid online and must be paid at the Business Office. Blank forms are available at or at the Discovery Business Office.
  • Resolve any previous ASB or Sport related fines. Your athlete will not be eligible to compete until all of the previous fines have been resolved. If you need additional time to pay or if you need to establish a payment plan, please contact Mrs. McKay in the Business Office.

Additional Information:

– If you need assistance with the Family ID website, contact them directly at 1-888-800-5583 ext 1 or at For example, if you need to reset your password or have difficulty logging in.

– Contact the Business Office at 360-313-3304 or Mrs. McKay via email at for any questions about dates, times, payments or fines.

– A computer is available during school hours outside of the Business Office and in our Family Resource Center if you do not have internet access or a computer at home.
